HUFLIT Students “Pocket” the Secrets to Conquering Employers at the Workshop “Recruitment Interview Response Skills – Hit The Job”

NGÀY: 23/07/2024

The Youth Union – Association of the Faculty of Foreign Languages organized the workshop “Recruitment Interview Response Skills – Hit The Job” with the aim of equipping the school’s members and students with the essential skills needed to answer recruitment interviews effectively, confidently, and successfully during their application process to various companies.

Nearly 500 HUFLIT students participated in the interview skills training, ready to conquer even the most discerning employers.
At the workshop, guest speaker Ms. Minh Minh Trần – Business Recruitment Partner for Talents in the Asia-Pacific region at Avery Dennison Group – shared the crucial skills that members and students should acquire when interviewing with potential employers.
Ms. Minh Minh Trần provided students with a wealth of interesting information about the current demands of employers

According to the guest speaker, the first step to impressing employers is for candidates to be thoroughly prepared before the interview. Specifically, this involves preparing a complete and detailed CV and having a clear understanding of one’s own resume. Additionally, candidates must carefully research the position and company they are applying for. The speaker also emphasized that arriving on time helps create a positive impression with employers.

Furthermore, Ms. Minh discussed the best strategies for handling open-ended questions that employers often use to evaluate a candidate’s true potential. For situational questions such as “What would you do if asked to perform a task you have never done before?” or “How would you handle a heavy workload?”, she explained that candidates should remain calm and analyze the interviewer’s intent to provide the best possible answer.

She also shared with the students some “trap” questions—seemingly simple yet deceptively challenging questions commonly used by employers. The guest speaker guided the students on the optimal ways to handle these “trap” questions to help them make the most impressive impression on potential employers.

The Q&A session and simulated interview practice were among the components most eagerly anticipated by the students

After absorbing the valuable insights provided during the session, the school’s members and students had the opportunity to ask questions and interact directly in the hall. Ms. Minh Minh Trần and Mr. Tony Đỗ – a Senior Business Development Specialist representing Avery Dennison Material Group – enthusiastically answered questions and shared their personal experiences from an employer’s perspective.

Numerous questions were continuously raised by students to the speakers.
The workshop delivered a wealth of valuable information on recruitment interview response skills to the school’s members and students. It is hoped that HUFLIT students will be able to effectively apply the knowledge they gained today to conquer future employers.

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