HUFLIT Student Wins First Prize in the 2024 Traditional Chinese Writing Competition

NGÀY: 02/07/2024
With outstanding talent and exceptional proficiency in the Chinese language, Phạm Ngọc Lâm, a student from the Faculty of Foreign Languages (Class of 2021), has won First Prize in the 2024 Traditional Chinese Writing Competition

The competition was organized by the Education Division – Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City to encourage students to enhance their writing skills and improve their proficiency in the Chinese language. Taking place from November to December 2024, the competition featured two challenging rounds, requiring contestants to have a rich vocabulary, strong logical thinking, and the ability to express creative ideas in Chinese. This event provided a valuable opportunity for students to refine their writing skills and showcase their deep understanding of the language. 

Overview of the competition at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City

In response to HUFLIT’s commitment to academic excellence, four students from the Chinese Language Department participated in the competition with determination, and one of them achieved an impressive result. Phạm Ngọc Lâm (Student ID: 21DH740517 – Class: TTM2103) successfully outperformed many strong competitors to secure the First Prize. 

Student Phạm Ngọc Lâm proudly receiving the First Prize in the competition

Lâm’s essay was highly praised for its coherent structure, creative ideas, rich vocabulary, and sharp arguments. His meticulous writing style, combined with strong analytical thinking, helped him impress the judges and achieve the highest ranking. This accomplishment also reflects the unwavering support of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at HUFLIT, particularly the Chinese Language Department, in creating opportunities for students to participate in academic competitions, enhancing their practical skills, and boosting their confidence in learning. 

Prof. Dr. Chen Ho-Hsien – Counselor and Head of the Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City, taking a commemorative photo with the contestant
Phạm Ngọc Lâm’s victory is not only a personal achievement but also an inspiration for other students to continue striving for excellence and challenging themselves in both national and international academic competitions
Dr. Phạm Thị Duyên Hồng – Head of the Chinese Language Practice Department, attending the competition venue to support Ngọc Lâm
Once again, congratulations to Phạm Ngọc Lâm on this outstanding achievement! Your success has further strengthened HUFLIT’s reputation for academic excellence and student development. We look forward to seeing more HUFLIT students participate and achieve success in future competitions!

    Nhằm chuẩn bị cho đợt đăng ký học phần trong HK3 năm học 2024 – 2025, khoa Ngoại ngữ kính gửi quý Anh/Chị SV khóa 2022 thông tin v/v đăng ký học phần Khóa luận tốt nghiệp (KLTN)
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