Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality

TÁC GIẢ: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality
NGÀY: 03/01/2023

Tourism and Hotel Management are “smokeless industries” with great potential for development, high demand for human resources, and wide job opportunities. Among them, Tourism Service and Travel Operations Management, as well as Hotel Management, are two fields of study that attract the interest of many young people due to their diverse development prospects and attractive income.

Established in March 2003, the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality at HUFLIT has played a significant role in providing high-quality training for the fields of Tourism Service and Travel Operations Management, and Hotel Management with proficient foreign language skills, meeting the requirements of both domestic and international labor markets.

The distinctive features in training program:

  • Modern curriculum, foreign-based programs, and up-to-date content that meets the demands of society.
  • Small class sizes, allowing students to easily interact with the instructors.
  • Outstanding faculty team: 90% of the instructors have been trained in the United States, Australia, Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.
  • Students have the opportunity to participate in internships at businesses from the second year, engage in team activities, extracurricular events, and international exchange programs. Particularly, students in the Tourism Service Management and Travel Operations Management field can participate in short-term and long-term academic and cultural exchanges with foreign universities, with the chance to earn valuable scholarships and take study tours abroad.
  • English is the primary language used in teaching and studying specialized subjects.


Career opportunities:

Students after graduating have the opportunity to work in both domestic and international environments, including:

  • Tour guides (Inbound and Outbound)
  • Tour operations staff for domestic and international tour
  • Travel tour sales staff
  • Research and teaching in general management and tourism service management
  • Entrepreneurship and establishing businesses, especially in the travel and tour industry
  • Pursuing postgraduate studies to enhance professional qualifications
  • Marketing staff for the tourism industry
  • Event management staff


Career opportunities:

  • Working in the high-end 4-5 star international standard hotel and restaurant industry (in departments such as human resources, administration, product marketing, front desk, food and beverage management, housekeeping, etc.) with diverse positions, especially requiring the use of English.
  • Working in various professional fields, holding positions in human resources management, administration, strategic management, customer service, and guest relations.
  • Research and teaching in general management, hotel management, and restaurant management.
  • Entrepreneurship and establishing businesses, particularly in the hospitality industry, such as restaurants and hotels.
  • Continuing professional development through vocational courses or pursuing postgraduate studies to enhance qualifications.

For more information:

>> Undergraduate program

>> Tree diagram

>> Outline


  • International Relations - HUFLIT
    International Relations is one of the programs designed according to domestic accreditation standards and closely follows practicality, ensuring to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to work in an international environment.
  • HUFLIT accepts applications for admission based on the high school transcript evaluation in the fourth round
    From August 1st to August 22nd, 2023, Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology (HUFLIT) will accept applications for admission based on the results of the high school graduation exam in the fourth round of 2023 for 18 undergraduate majors under the regular system.
  • HUFLIT announces the guaranteed threshold for admission quality based on the method of evaluating the high school graduation exam results in 2023
    On July 24, 2023, the Admission Council of HUFLIT announced the guaranteed threshold for admission quality based on the method of evaluating the high school graduation exam results in 2023. This threshold is applicable to 18 undergraduate majors under the regular system, following the admission evaluation process regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training. The admission score threshold ranges from 15 to 16 points.


Apply for admission at tuyensinh.huflit.edu.vn
Find out information huflit.edu.vn

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Email tuyensinh@huflit.edu.vn
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