The Vivid Imprint of “Chinese Colors – 中华色彩” 2024 at HUFLIT

NGÀY: 15/06/2024

With the aim of providing a healthy, engaging, and practical language playground—and creating opportunities for deepening knowledge of Chinese culture in studies, life, and work for all HUFLIT members and students—the Youth Union and Association of the Faculty of Foreign Languages organized a series of Chinese language practice activities titled “Chinese Colors – 中华色彩”2024. This series attracted over 1,000 HUFLIT members and students through two main events: the “Chinese Culture Festival” and the “Spring Concert.”

Dr. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn – School Principal taking photos with students during the festival

The “Chinese Culture Festival” was held under the theme “Chinese New Year – 中华春节” at Lobby B of the Su Van Hanh campus (HUFLIT). The event featured cultural booths such as calligraphy and paper cutting, along with food and beverage stalls exuding Chinese characteristics, all managed by the school’s members and students. This created a uniquely vibrant cultural space where participants could gain hands-on insights into Chinese knowledge and culture.

The “Chinese Culture Festival” was held under the theme “Chinese New Year – 中华春节” at Lobby B of the Su Van Hanh campus (HUFLIT). The event featured cultural booths such as calligraphy and paper cutting, along with food and beverage stalls exuding Chinese characteristics, all managed by the school’s members and students. This created a uniquely vibrant cultural space where participants could gain hands-on insights into Chinese knowledge and culture.

Booths at the “Chinese Culture Festival”

In addition, traditional Hanfu outfits worn by the handsome young men and beautiful young women of HUFLIT added even more splendor to the event, drawing in a large number of participants eager to experience the cultural heritage firsthand.

Members and students taking photos in Hanfu during the festival

Most notably, the “Chinese Culture Festival” was honored to welcome Mr. Tu Chau – Deputy Consul General of the People’s Republic of China Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, who visited the event to explore its activities.

Mr. Tu Chau and Mr. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn visiting the festival activities

The “Spring Concert” presented a harmonious blend of music and traditional culture. Held at Agora on the Su Van Hanh campus (HUFLIT), the concert was not only an opportunity for HUFLIT members and students to indulge their passion for singing and dancing but also a platform for closer connection through cultural exchange performances that captured the festive spirit of Chinese New Year.

A performance by students at the “Spring Concert”
Chinese Colors 中华色彩” 2024 concluded with a mix of many emotions. It served as an academic playground for HUFLIT members and students to enhance their foreign language skills and offered numerous experiential opportunities for young people passionate about Chinese language and culture. Moreover, the series of activities promises to become a model for effectively improving foreign language proficiency and equipping future Chinese Language majors at HUFLIT with essential soft skills.

    Nhằm chuẩn bị cho đợt đăng ký học phần trong HK3 năm học 2024 – 2025, khoa Ngoại ngữ kính gửi quý Anh/Chị SV khóa 2022 thông tin v/v đăng ký học phần Khóa luận tốt nghiệp (KLTN)
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