The Fintech – Blockchain competition – a new playground for HUFLIT students

TÁC GIẢ: Faculty of Economics and Finance
NGÀY: 27/12/2022

From May 23rd to June 11th, 2022, the Fintech – Blockchain competition took place at HCMC University of Foreign Languages – Information Technology (HUFLIT) with the participation of over 200 students. The competition was organized by the Faculty of Economics and Finance with the aim of providing opportunities for students to explore and engage with financial technology through analyzing real-world projects and applications of Blockchain

The competition created an academic playground for students at HUFLIT, helping young talents enhance their awareness and practical skills in applying Fintech-Blockchain to address real-world issues.

Although it was the first time this Fintech – Blockchain competition was organized at HUFLIT, it attracted a significant number of participants, especially students from faculties outside the economic field, such as the Faculty of Oriental Languages and Cultures, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, etc.

The organization committee with the Board of Judges, the guests and the competition’s teams

To earn a spot in the final round and compete for the top position, contestants had to go through 3 rounds as follows:

  • Round 1 (from May 23rd to May 26th, 2022):

In this round, contestants compete in teams (each team consisted of 4 members). Each member complete their part of the competition via the social media platform named Aloha. The scoring for this round is based on the team’s average score to ensure fairness among team members. At the end of this round, the top 8 teams with the highest scores advance to the second round.

  • Round 2 (from May 27th to June 5th, 2022):

Teams create video clips to present their research related to the topics: Legal, technological, trend, potential, and marketing analysis of a Blockchain project; or analyze the market of a Blockchain application or project from an investment perspective. At the end of this round, the top 4 teams with the highest scores advance to the final round.

  • Round 3 (June 11th, 2022):

In a stage performance format, the top 4 teams present in detail the topics they chose in round 2 to the judging panel. After the presentations, the judging panel pose challenging questions to test the team members’ knowledge of Fintech – Blockchain. This round requires contestants to have a firm grasp of Fintech – Blockchain knowledge. The team which performs well in round 3 and obtains the highest score will become the champion of the competition.

The Faculty of Economics and Finance’s lecturers as the judges in the Final round

Trong suốt quá trình diễn ra cuộc thi, bên cạnh sự dẫn dắt của các giảng viên Khoa Kinh tế – Tài chính, sinh viên còn được làm việc dưới sự tham gia bảo trợ chuyên môn của Hiệp hội tư vấn tài chính Việt Nam (VFCA). Phát biểu tại cuộc thi, ông Đào Tiến Phong – Managing Lawyer Investpush Legal , Đại diện của VFCA- cho rằng: “Đây là chương trình có giá trị thiết thực trong việc phổ biến kiến thức về những ứng dụng Blockchain/Fintech cho sinh viên đại học, sẽ truyền cảm hứng để các bạn trẻ tìm hiểu về cách Blockchain/Fintech tạo nên những thay đổi trong thế giới thực, giúp các bạn phát huy tư duy sáng tạo và đưa ra những ý tưởng kinh doanh mang tính đột phá trong lĩnh vực mới này”. Xuất hiện trong buổi chung kết cuộc thi, ông Tạ Minh Tuấn, Chủ tịch TMT Group- một trong top gương mặt dưới 30 tuổi ảnh hưởng nhất Việt Nam và châu Á do tạp chí Forbes bình chọn- cũng chia sẻ về những kinh nghiệm thành công ứng dụng công nghệ Blockchain vào kinh doanh:“Thế giới luôn biến động và chúng ta nên chủ động với sự biến động đó… ngay cả trong đại dịch TMT Group vẫn tìm được hướng đi hợp lý nhờ luôn chủ động các phương án và ứng dụng các công nghệ mới.” ​

Throughout the competition, in addition to the guidance of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Finance, students also benefited from the expertise of the Vietnam Financial Consultancy Association (VFCA). Speaking at the competition, Mr. Dao Tien Phong – Managing Lawyer of Investpush Legal and representative of VFCA – stated: “This program has practical value in disseminating knowledge about Blockchain/Fintech applications to university students, inspiring them to learn more about how Blockchain/Fintech brings changes to the real world, helping them unleash their creativity and come up with breakthrough business ideas in this new field”. In the final competition, Mr. Ta Minh Tuan, Chairman of TMT Group – one of the most influential under-30 faces in Vietnam and Asia as voted by Forbes magazine – also shared his successful experiences in applying Blockchain technology to business: “The world is always changing, and we should proactively adapt to those changes… even in the pandemic, TMT Group still found a suitable direction by proactively considering options and applying new technologies”.

The WARRIORS team in the oral exam with the Board of Judges 

With dedication and well-invested time, the organizers brought a lively and meaningful academic playground to HUFLIT students who are passionate about the field of financial technology and blockchain. The competition provided them with real values beyond the virtual world. Expressing gratitude after the competition, Master Phan Minh Dat, the head of the organization committee, said: “We have prepared very seriously and tirelessly to create an academic playground that is not only practical but also exciting, not ‘virtual’ but ‘real,’ intense but not stressful. That is the reason why this playground has received such a positive response from students”.

On behalf of the Faculty’s teaching staff, Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan Lan – Head of the Faculty of Economics and Finance – also expressed sincere gratitude to the judging panel, sponsors, and all participants who made great efforts and cheered for the competition. After the success of Season 1, it is certain that the Fintech – Blockchain competition in Season 2 in 2023 will bring even more surprises with new, more innovative projects, and students participating in Fintech – Blockchain Season 2 will not only come from HUFLIT but also from other universities in Ho Chi Minh City.

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