THÔNG BÁO VỀ VIỆC ĐĂNG KÝ HỌC PHẦN KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP (Dành cho Sinh viên khóa 2022)Nhằm chuẩn bị cho đợt đăng ký học phần trong HK3 năm học 2024 – 2025, khoa Ngoại ngữ kính gửi quý Anh/Chị SV khóa 2022 thông tin v/v đăng ký học phần Khóa luận tốt nghiệp (KLTN)
Thông báo về việc xét, cấp học bổng, khen thưởng danh hiệu sinh viên giỏi, sinh viên xuất sắc năm học 2024 – 2025 và khen thưởng sinh viên tốt nghiệp loại giỏi, xuất sắcNhằm thực hiện theo đúng các quy định, tạo sự công bằng cho sinh viên, đồng thời khuyến khích sinh viên đã có nhiều nỗ lực trên cả hai mặt học tập và rèn luyện, Nhà trường thông báo việc xét, cấp học bổng, khen thưởng danh hiệu sinh viên giỏi, sinh viên xuất sắc của năm học 2024 – 2025 và sinh viên tốt nghiệp loại giỏi, xuất sắc, như sau:
Thông báo về việc công khai báo cáo tự đánh giá chương trình đào tạo trình độ đại học ngành Quản trị dịch vụ du lịch và lữ hành, ngành Quản trị khách sạn và ngành Tài chính - Ngân hàng (giai đoạn 2020 – 2024)Căn cứ Thông tư số 38/2013/TT-BGDĐT ngày 29/11/2013 của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo ban hành Quy định về quy trình và chu kỳ kiểm định chất lượng chương trình đào tạo của các trường đại học, cao đẳng và trung cấp chuyên nghiệp.
Chinese Studies – HUFLIT
Recognized as Vietnam’s largest trading partner, the number of investors from China coming to our country is increasing day by day. Consequently, the job market for those proficient in Chinese is more vibrant than ever. For this reason, the Chinese Studies is one of the prominent training programs at the university, attracting a great deal of interest and choice from students.
1. Introduction to the Chinese Studies
Chinese Language is a field specializing in the study and use of the Chinese language for various sectors, including economics, tourism, diplomacy, commerce, and more.
Bachelor’s degree students in the Chinese Language program will be trained in Chinese characters, spoken language, and skills related to communication and consecutive interpretation. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to learn about Chinese culture, history, and business Chinese to facilitate communication in the workplace.

Chinese Studies at HUFLIT officially began teaching in 1997. With over 26 years of experience in Chinese language education, the university has designed three main specializations for students to choose from. These are Office Administration, Business Chinese, and Bilingual Chinese-English.
- Office Administration: This specialization provides students with knowledge of the Chinese language and in-depth expertise in administrative fields such as administration, reception, and clerical work.
- Business Chinese: This specialization trains graduates with communication skills in Chinese and in-depth knowledge of the economic sector, including business and commerce. Additionally, it strengthens essential skills such as communication, presentation, persuasion, and negotiation.
Bilingual Chinese-English: This specialization focuses on providing students with deep knowledge of the Chinese language while also supplementing their understanding of the English language. Graduates are capable of using these two languages in various fields such as economics, commerce, diplomacy, journalism, media, tourism, and foreign language teaching.
2. Career Opportunities
The Chinese language is a trending field of study chosen by many young people due to its wide range of career opportunities. Currently, businesses all have the need to recruit candidates proficient in Chinese, offering highly attractive salaries.
Here are some jobs that graduates from the Chinese Language department at HUFLIT can pursue:
- Become an employee, specialist, or secretary in companies using Chinese or English.
- Participate in teaching Chinese at language institutions.
- Work in human resources for manufacturing, import-export, or telecommunications companies using Chinese.
- Translation or interpretation in Chinese.
- Tour guide.
- Administrative staff, hospitality industry.
In addition, Bachelor’s degree holders in the Chinese Studies field can also pursue further education at the Master’s level. After graduation, you can engage in in-depth research in linguistics, Chinese culture, or Chinese language teaching.
3. Characteristics of the training program
The training program is designed according to international standards, with updated content and the latest teaching methods. Each course is divided into several small topics so that students can easily follow and learn.
The faculty team consists of Master’s and Ph.D. degree holders, graduates from prestigious universities in Vietnam and China, with rich practical experience in the field of Chinese language education.
HUFLIT is equipped with modern facilities such as classrooms, libraries, practice rooms, etc., to meet the study and research needs of students. Students in the Chinese Studies at HUFLIT are taught a combination of specialized soft skills, enhancing work efficiency. This also provides them with many attractive job opportunities, such as teamwork skills, communication skills, time management skills, and more.

4. Admission procedures
Young individuals aspiring to study at HUFLIT can consider 4 admission methods: Admission based on high school graduation exam scores; Admission based on high school transcripts with the average score of 03 subjects in grade 12; Admission based on high school transcripts with the average score of 03 semesters (grade 11 and semester 1 of grade 12); and Admission based on the results of the entrance exam.
The expected admission period at HUFLIT typically starts from early January and lasts until the end of July or early August, in accordance with the general regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. However, the timeline may vary each academic year.
For more detailed information about the admission methods, application procedures, and specific requirements for each field of study, you can visit here.