HUFLIT Foreign Language Students Unravel the Secrets of “Happiness”

NGÀY: 15/08/2024

Happiness is one of the most complex and diverse emotions experienced by humans. Recognizing and appreciating the different forms of happiness not only helps us feel more joyful but also more satisfied with life. This was the core message of the psychological workshop “Decoding Happiness” hosted by the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

The program was accompanied by Dr. Tô Nhi A, a leading expert in psychology in Vietnam. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Dr. Tô Nhi A has helped thousands of individuals overcome psychological challenges, improve their quality of life, and achieve happiness. She is also a lecturer and advisor at several universities, helping students gain valuable psychological knowledge.

MA. Trần Mỵ Uyên, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, presenting flowers and a letter of appreciation to the speaker, Dr. Tô Nhi A, psychologist

In addition to focusing on practical values, Generation Z is particularly interested in finding happiness. During the workshop, the speaker posed many questions and issues to encourage students to think critically and discover solutions for themselves. The workshop also provided an opportunity for students to reflect on themselves, listen to and share their innermost thoughts, nurturing their inner strength and deepening their empathy for themselves and others.

Listening to the students’ reflections and thoughts, Dr. Tô Nhi A offered advice on overcoming the self-doubt and anxiety that young people often experience. She shared: “Happiness is a psychological state – it’s the feeling of satisfaction and contentment when a certain need is fulfilled. A happy life is about consciously and intentionally creating stability in this state of mind, with plans and goals in place.”

Students enthusiastically participating in activities with the speaker

At the conclusion of the workshop, the Faculty of Foreign Languages hoped that the students walked away with useful insights and a broader, more multifaceted view of the concept of “Happiness.” The speaker also encouraged the students: “The journey to the future is still a long one, and along the way, there may be setbacks and moments of discouragement. But the destination will be a path full of flowers, so don’t hesitate and keep moving forward!”

Students taking a commemorative photo with the speaker

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