Foreign Language Faculty Students Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Learning at the “AI Powered Learning” Talk Show

NGÀY: 28/06/2024

The “AI Powered Learning” talk show on applying artificial intelligence in English learning, organized by the Youth Union of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, created an engaging space for interaction and equipped HUFLIT members and students with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively integrate new technology into their studies.

Overview of the “AI Powered Learning” talk show on applying artificial intelligence in English learning.)

During the talk show, ThS. Trần Thanh Tú, a lecturer at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at HUFLIT, shared insights on the tools and skills necessary for addressing challenges when incorporating artificial intelligence into learning. He emphasized that to fully leverage the benefits of new technology, one must explore and select support tools tailored to the specific skills and fields of study being pursued. In doing so, he introduced several useful “AI companions” and effective usage methods, affirming that “the way we use these intelligent tools determines the outcomes we achieve.”

ThS. Trần Thanh Tú, lecturer at the Faculty of Foreign Languages (HUFLIT), sharing with the audience.

In addition, Teacher Tú discussed the challenges associated with applying artificial intelligence, such as issues of fairness and the risk of diminished creativity due to overreliance. To prevent these negative effects in learning, he also demonstrated proper techniques that help students enhance the impact of their essays and assignments without violating school policies.

The talk show also featured Phạm Thị Như Ngọc, a fourth-year student majoring in Translation from the English Language program at HUFLIT. Drawing on her experience from both academic studies and practical cabin interpretation sessions, Như Ngọc shared her professional insights and explained how smart technologies can “rescue” one during translation tasks.

Student Phạm Thị Như Ngọc sharing her experiences and insights on using AI.

Beyond the valuable presentations, the members and students had the opportunity to delve deeper into the potential of artificial intelligence through an interactive Q&A session with the guest speakers. ThS. Trần Thanh Tú and student Phạm Thị Như Ngọc enthusiastically addressed questions and shared their experiences from two different perspectives—the lecturer’s effective integration of AI into teaching and the student’s application of the technology in learning.

Members and students engaging with the guest speakers through Q&A
Members and students taking commemorative photos with the guest speakers

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