Impressive Performances Welcoming HUFLIT’s New Students at the China Consulate General Scholarship Ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City

NGÀY: 09/10/2024

With over 15 remarkable performances by students from the Chinese Language Department, the “China Consulate General Scholarship Ceremony and New Student Welcome” organized by the HUFLIT Chinese Language Club has become a vibrant cultural celebration, while also honoring outstanding individuals for their academic achievements.

At this special event, HUFLIT had the honor of welcoming Mr. Xu Zhou (Từ Châu) – Acting Consul General, Ms. Zhao Jienan (Triệu Kiệt Nam) – Deputy Consul General, and Mr. Zeng Ziwei (Tăng Tử Uy) – Consulate Attaché. On the HUFLIT side, Dr. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn – Party Secretary and Rector of the University, Ms. Đặng Thị Huệ Trân – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dr. Phạm Thị Duyên Hồng – Head of the Chinese Language Department, along with all faculty members and more than 400 students from the Chinese Language program, were present to welcome the distinguished guests.

Students taking a commemorative photo with the guest delegates

During the ceremony, Mr. Xu Zhou awarded 15 scholarships, totaling 50 million VND, to Chinese Language students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance and perseverance. These scholarships are intended to encourage and support the students in realizing their academic dreams. In his speech, Mr. Xu Zhou emphasized the strong and enduring friendship between Vietnam and China, expressing his hope to continue supporting the students of the Chinese Language Department at HUFLIT. He shared, “I hope you will continue striving in your studies to become talented individuals, contributing to the development and strengthening the friendship between our two countries.”

Mr. Xu Zhou, Acting Consul General of China in Ho Chi Minh City, delivering a speech at the event

In response, Dr. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Rector of HUFLIT, expressed sincere gratitude to the China Consulate General for their special support and dedication to the activities and initiatives of the Chinese Language students at HUFLIT. He stated, “Connecting education and culture will bring new opportunities and broaden the horizons of our students in the context of globalization. We believe that with the continued support of the Consulate General, through mutual learning, we will develop a strong academic relationship between HUFLIT and universities in China.”

Dr. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Party Secretary and University President, delivering a speech at the event)
Fifteen scholarships awarded to Chinese Language students with outstanding academic performance, discipline, and resilience in overcoming challenges

Following the ceremony, the New Student Welcome performance program took place, featuring more than 15 impressive acts performed by the students themselves. Under the theme “Each of us is a small star in a vast sky,” the performances created a lively atmosphere and received enthusiastic applause from the guests, faculty, and new students.

Well-prepared performances by the students
The event concluded in an uplifting and emotional atmosphere. The organizers hope that this event will be a memorable occasion for the new students, giving them a deeper sense of enthusiasm, creativity, and a growing pride in the university they are a part of.

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